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Announcing the John Armstrong Prize

Posted: Wednesday 27th June 2018

Professor John Armstrong, a former Trustee and seminar convener of the BCMH who died in February 2017, left a legacy to the BCMH.  In discussion with John’s widow, Pamela, the BCMH has decided to use the legacy to establish an annual prize of £250 in his memory. The John Armstrong Prize will be awarded for the best article in the field of maritime economic history published in any peer-reviewed scholarly journal the previous year.  In judging entries, particular note will be taken of John’s academic interests, which encompassed coastal shipping, coastal trade and the rise and importance of steam navigation.

The first award of the John Armstrong Prize will be for an article published in 2018. Nominations are invited from journal editors, as well as Trustees and Fellows of the British Commission for Maritime History.  An electronic copy of the submitted article must be received by the BCMH Treasurer, Dr Roy Fenton, at no later than 31st March 2019.

For further information, and a brief biography of Professor Armstrong, see our John Armstrong Prize page.