Call for Papers - Oceans Past X
Posted: Friday 8th December 2023

Historical Perspectives on human-ocean interactions: deep understandings for informing ocean futures.
Date: 25-28 June 2024
Venue: Penryn campus, University of Exeter, Cornwall, UK
Oceans Past brings together scholars and practitioners interested in documenting and understanding changes in marine systems and human maritime interactions in past decades, centuries and millennia. The 10th Oceans Past Conference will enable continued scholarly networking and international exchange towards a fuller understanding of the past, the present, and potential future trajectories of our marine ecosystems and the human communities that interact with these.
Deadline for abstract submission: 15 January 2024
Registration for attendance will open in November 2023. OPI membership discounts will be available.
To qualify for an oral or poster presentation please complete the Submission Form. You will be asked to provide the following information to
- Title of presentation
- Full name(s) and affiliation of all author(s)
- Abstract (max 200 words)
- Preferred presentation type (oral or poster)
- Preferred session (select one from the list of conference themes below):
Conference themes
- How the sea has changed us / how we have changed the sea
- Physical and biological drivers in marine ecosystems and populations
- Scales of sustainable and unsustainable marine harvesting throughout time
- Multidisciplinary perspectives on social and ecological consequences of change
- Trajectories and repercussions of management interventions on marine socialāecological systems through time
- Lessons from the past for management of coastal zones and the high seas
Have you completed your Masters or PhD within the last 5 years? You may be eligible for partial attendance support from the International Council for Exploration of the Sea (ICES). If so, add a request to your abstract submission for ECR monetary support, describing how an award will aid your attendance and benefit your research trajectory (max. 200 words). You must present your work at the conference to be eligible for an award. Awards will be available on a competitive basis and based on demonstrated need and the value to the applicant of attendance.
Download the Submission Form
Download the Call for Submission
For more information, contact us at: