Call for Papers
Posted: Friday 27th September 2024

Event date: 31 May 2025
Location: Bermuda
Papers are invited on themes ranging from the early years of the Royal Naval Dockyard in Bermuda in the 1790s to today. The conference, organised by the Naval Dockyards Society in partnership with the National Museum of Bermuda, will commemorate the 75th anniversary of the closing of Bermuda's Dockyard.
Deadline: 30 September 2024
What challenges has Bermuda Dockyard faced since 1951? How has the Dockyard contributed to 21st century Bermuda?
The Royal Naval Dockyard, Bermuda, was a symbol of British military power for more than 150 years. Today, it’s one of Bermuda’s most popular spots for visitors, home to the
island’s biggest cruise ship pier and many restaurants, shops, and attractions. In May 2025, the Naval Dockyards Society and the National Museum of Bermuda will hold a
Conference in Bermuda commemorating the 75th anniversary of the closure of the Royal Naval Dockyard.
Conference themes will encompass:
• Bermuda Naval Dockyard—Early history
• 1812 Fortifications and conflict with the USA
• The North Atlantic—Second World War
• Dockyard Closure—Personal stories
• Dockyard today—Bermuda's economic loss and recovery
The conference will be enhanced by behind-the-scenes dockyard and walking tours.
This event will be sponsored by the Society for Nautical Research.