Call for Papers - ICMM Congress
Posted: Friday 15th September 2023

'Low Lands, High Tides'
Date: 15 - 20 September 2024
ICMM Biennial Congress 2024
Location: The Netherlands and Belgium
The International Congress of Maritime Museums (ICMM) is pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the next biennial ICMM Congress (conference), to be held from 15-20 September 2024 in the ‘low land’ countries of The Netherlands and Belgium.
The 2024 Congress has been organised in collaboration with four host museums:
Maritiem Museum Rotterdam – Rotterdam, Netherlands
Het Scheepvaart, National Maritime Museum – Amsterdam, Netherlands
Zuiderzee Museum – Enkhuisen, Netherlands
Museen aan de Stroom (MAS) – Antwerp, Belgium
Conference Themes
Each day of the Congress will be structured according to the following topics, on which we now invite proposals for papers:
Day 1 - Blue Ocean and the Marine Environment
How can maritime museums respond to ocean conservation challenges, the changing climate, and our changing relationship with the sea?
Day 2 - Museum Ships and Maritime Heritage
How can maritime museums navigate current and future impacts on museum vessels and the maritime heritage sector to enhance their sustainability?
Day 3 - Maritime Crafts and Skills in Museums
How can maritime museums best conserve, collect and present historic maritime crafts and skills?
Day 4 - People and the Sea
How should the impact of maritime history on today’s society be represented through our values and behaviours as museums and through our exhibitions and public programming?
Day 5 - The Maritime Museum as Activist?
The world is currently confronted by global ecological and socio-demographic challenges, many of which link directly to our oceans. How should the role of maritime museums and leaders adapt to address these challenges?
'Pecha Kucha' / Short report sessions
Alongside the above themes, ICMM also encourage submissions for short reports, particularly from any new ICMM members from new regions, or those with new projects. These short reports should be presented in a ‘Pecha Kucha’-style format (a maximum of 7 minutes duration).
Submission and Deadline
Abstracts should be submitted following the details in the full call for papers on the ICMM website:
Proposal Submission Deadline: 30th November 2023
Accepted Proposals: January 2024