Call for Papers - Mainsheet
Posted: Friday 29th November 2024

Mainsheet invites submissions of original research in all aspects of maritime studies. A multidisciplinary journal of maritime studies, Mainsheet accepts papers from all academic disciplines. It is intended to be accessible globally, across fields, and to a general public of people interested in maritime studies. We encourage submission from emerging scholars as well as from more established researchers.
Subjects of particular interest to the editorial board include: maps and charts, memory and materiality, sea level, coastal resilience, maritime law and policy, modeling, blue humanities, marine ecosystems, underwater exploration, and coastal recreation. We are also open to guest editors with proposed special issues on relevant topics.
Further details of the Call for Papers here, and how to submit: Mainsheet submission portal and author instructions are avaikable here.
In addition to research papers, Mainsheet also publish art, poetry, artifact spotlights, and other kinds of short, accessible content. Thye are also open to non-scholarly pieces that creatively explore the perspectives and personal experiences of scholars and non-academics with interesting stories.