Call for Papers - Sea Change: challenges and opportunities for UK Maritime Heritage
Posted: Friday 1st April 2022

This October the Maritime Heritage Network will convene the United Kingdom Maritime Heritage Forum (UKMHF) for the first time since 2019.
As organisations and individuals - through museums, archives, historic or working ships - we are all preserving, sharing and seeking relevance for our heritage within a changing world. The contemporary significance of the maritime sector has become more visible in recent times, and together, working across maritime heritage, we can embrace new challenges and create opportunities.
This year’s UKMHF aims to embrace change head-on, to apply lessons from recent experience and to look forward. Whether you are a senior leader or consultant, a conservator, curator or archivist, a historian or researcher, a specialist in engagement or interpretation, a volunteer or operator of working craft – or a mixture of all - we want to hear your experiences and ideas on adapting to change.
The conference theme is ‘Sea Change’, with sessions structured to look at best practice and creative
responses in different areas.
Please save the date for this exciting event which will take place at Portsmouth Historick Dockyard 19-21 October 2022, more details to follow nearer the time.
Download the full call for papers here - deadline Friday 13 May
Image attribute: Colin Smith