Call for Papers PCMC International Conference
Posted: Thursday 21st November 2024

Port Cities and Maritime Cultures International Conference
Event Date: 10-11 June 2025
Location: Portsmouth, UK
The Centre for Port Cities and Maritime Cultures (PCMC) is excited to invite papers for its inaugural conference, in collaboration with colleagues at the Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University. The conference will take place on 10th and 11th June 2025 at the University of Portsmouth.
The conference in Portsmouth will focus on the past, present and future importance of urban-maritime cultures and communities worldwide.
Papers of 20-minutes are invited on the Centre’s key themes:
- The construction and experience of urban-maritime cultures
- Representations of urban-maritime spaces and cultures
- Recovering marginalised voices: Coastal communities and maritime heritage
- The conservation of tangible and intangible maritime heritage
The Centre particularly encourage postgraduate students and early career researchers to submit abstracts.
The price for the two-day conference is £150 per person, with a reduced rate of £80 for students. The conference fee will include lunch and teas/coffees on both days, and a wine reception.
The conference will be conducted in English. We kindly request all speakers to present in English or provide their own means of simultaneous translation.
How to apply:
Abstracts should be 300 words maximum and should be submitted in English. Please also include the author(s) name, affiliation(s), corresponding email, and a short biography of a maximum of 100 words. All submissions should be emailed to no later than Sunday 19th January 2025, with “PCMC Conference” in the subject line. The organising committee will notify applicants by 2nd February 2025 if they have been accepted to present.
Details here: Call for Papers: Port Cities and Maritime Cultures International Conference, 10-11 June 2025 | University of Portsmouth