CPMH - call for expression of interest Peter N Davies seminar
Posted: Monday 20th May 2024

The Centre for Port and Maritime History wishes to receive nominations from supervisors of PGRs and colleagues of ECRs to deliver the 2024 Peter N Davies seminar.
The seminar usually takes place on the first Wednesday in November and is a 45-minute presentation followed by Q&A.
Please send contact details and a brief outline of research interests to Nick White n.j.white@ljmu.ac.uk by 28 June 2024.
Peter Davies was one of Britain’s foremost scholars of the international shipping industry and was instrumental in strengthening the international standing of maritime history. Peter was a founding member of CPMH and, as such, the Centre is pleased to host this annual seminar series in honour of his contribution to maritime history and his support for emerging scholars in the discipline.
More details on the CPMH call flyer.