CPMH Call for Expressions of Interest - PGRs
Posted: Wednesday 17th April 2024

Centre for Port and Maritime History Postgraduate Representatives
The Centre for Port and Maritime History in Liverpool would like to revive its postgraduate rep positions and seeks to appoint two PGRs to these roles. We welcome
application from PGRs at any stage of their degree, though the appointment would most suit those in the second year or later of their PhD.
There is ample scope for the appointed PGRs to develop their own agenda and endeavours, but as an indicator of the type of activities covered by these roles, previous PGR reps have (with guidance from the CPMH board, where needed):
• Attended CPMH board meetings (usually two or three times per year, hybrid), and attended CPMH events including the annual Stammers Memorial Lecture and the annual Davies Seminar
• Organised an annual international PGR conference on a theme of Port and Maritime History
• Hosted PGR seminars
• Sought and applied for funding for the conference and ad hoc seminars
• Attended the annual CPMH conference
In addition to these activities, the appointed PGR reps might establish an online community for PGRs working in Port and Maritime History, for more informal meetings, sharing of ideas, reading works-in-progress (for example). The PGR reps will be strongly encouraged to devise additional activities as they see necessary.
If you are interested in this role, please send an expression of interest outlining your research interests, experience working with other PGRs, and what strengths you have that would make you a good candidate for CPMH PGR Rep (maximum 500 words).
How to apply
Please send this to Siobhan Talbott, s.talbott@keele.ac.uk, by Monday 29 April 2024.
Siobhan is happy to discuss the role informally; please do get in touch with any questions