Oceans Past X Conference
Posted: Wednesday 2nd August 2023

Historical Perspectives on Marine Ecosystems, Human Use, and Futures
Date: 25-28 June 2024
Oceans Past X
Location: University of Exeter’s Cornwall Campus, Penryn, UK
Conference themes
- How the sea has changed us / how we have changed the sea: from moments to histories of human maritime experience in literature, story, song, and art.
- Physical and biological drivers in marine ecosystems and populations - From historical 'baselines' to long-term dynamics
- Scales of sustainable and unsustainable marine harvesting throughout time
- Multidisciplinary perspectives on social and ecological consequences of change
- Trajectories and repercussions of management interventions on marine socialāecological systems through time
- Lessons from the past for management of coastal zones and the high seas
Abstract submission will open in September 2023.
Find out more: OPIX Conference (oceanspast.org)
Questions? Email info@oceanspast.org