Undergraduate prize winners 2024 announced
Posted: Friday 27th September 2024

Prizes for Undergraduate Achievement in
Maritime History, 2024
The British Commission awards a small number of £75 prizes each year recognising excellence in undergraduate dissertations in the broad field of maritime history.
The Commission is delighted to announce that the following students have been awarded prizes in 2024:
Eloise Cooper (University of Exeter), ‘All Hands on Deck’: Cultural Representations of Disabled Masculinity in Nelson’s Navy, 1793-1865
Holly Hathway (University of Exeter), To What Extent Did Operation Hannibal Contradict Established Narratives of German Victimhood?
Anisha Pick (University of Leeds), ‘Reaping the Fruits of Victory’: An Analysis of the British Admiralty’s Expectations of a Naval Armistice with Germany in 1918
Lucas Radford (University of Plymouth), ‘Conspicuous Mark of Distinction’: The Tatooed British Seaman, c.1790-1815
Matthew Voyce (University of Portsmouth), Polar Exploration and the Imperial Imagination, 1845-1922: Race, Science and Competing Approaches
Arda Yaniklar (University of Reading), A Comparison of Atlantic Piracy and Mediterranean Piracy, 1550-1600
Find out more about previous years and 2023 winners here!
Final year extended essays, projects and dissertations awarded first class marks are eligible for consideration for the prizes. Nominations must be made by academic members of staff, and the closing date for entries is 1 August in each year. Entries, with electronic copies of the dissertation and supporting documents can be submitted on the BCMH website here: https://www.maritimehistory.org.uk/prizes-and-fellowships/undergraduate-prizes/ Any questions should be directed to Dr Alan James, Department of War Studies, King’s College London, London WC2R 2LS; alan.2.james@kcl.ac.uk.