Women and the Sea in the Early Modern World
Posted: Wednesday 6th September 2023

Women and the Sea in the Early Modern World
Symposium at the University of Plymouth & Online via Zoom
Date: 7-8 September 2023
• Helen Berry, University of Exeter
From ‘Sailor towns’ to ‘matriarchal amphibious economies’: local and global perspectives on women’s
work in English coastal communities, c. 1700-1750
• Lucy Huggins, University of Southampton
Women and Maritime Trade: Female Shipowners
• Kathleen Burke, New York University Shanghai
A Window into Women’s Histories in the Indian Ocean
• Erin Spinney, University of New Brunswick (Saint John)
Mid-Eighteenth-Century Women’s Careers at Naval Hospitals
• Hannah Gibbons, University of Exeter
‘Maritime Matriarchs: women, credit, goods and services in the dockland communities of eighteenth century London’
• Graham Kerr, University of Reading
Women are of equal service if not superior to men’: Enslaved Women in 18th Century Royal Navy Yards
• Mark Williams, University of Cardiff
“A Horrible Din Only Known by Experience”: Judith Weston and the East India Company at Sea’
• Deborah Hamer, New Netherlands Institute
Women and space aboard Dutch West and East India Company ships in the 17th century
• Juliet Atkinson, University of Leeds
North Sea Mobilities and the Identification of Migrant Women in Seventeenth Century London
• Anna Maria Forssberg, Vasa Museum
The naval family: sailors’ wives as part of the military system in Sweden in the 17th century
• Lisa Wojahn, University of Exeter
Women who married Royal Navy officers
• Caroline Fish, Purdue University
A Matter of Service to His Majesty: Costanza de Acuña, Naval Jurisdiction, and the
Imprisonment of Juan de Fiesco, 1679
• Chergui Khedidja, Teachers’ Superior College for the Letters and Humanities of Algiers
Sayyida al Hurra: The Female Corsair of the West Mediterranean (1515–1542)
• Samuel Diener, Jesus College, Cambridge
“Every fair Columbus”: The voyage genre and the woman in the wreck
• Michelle A. McKinley, University of Oregon
Amas de leche: Wetnurses and Migration in the Early Modern Iberian Empire
• Sylvian Mbohou, Universidade Estadual do Maranhão (UEMA), Brazil
Les femmes esclaves face à la mer : Des ports négriers africains au Nouveau Monde
• Julia Stryker, Memorial University of Newfoundland
The Snail: Gendered Space and Women’s Work at Sea
• Elaine Murphy, University of Plymouth
‘Come my fellow sufferers’: the experiences of women on Stuart warships
14.15-15.30 Round Table Discussion on the Women and the Sea
15.30 Closing Remarks
• Dr Anna Maria Forssberg, Vasa Museum; Dr Deborah Hamer, New Netherlands Institute; Dr Elaine
Murphy, University of Plymout
Download full programme and timings here.
Zoom Links
Day 1: 7th September
Day 2: 8th September